

Metron’s proprietary submetering utility management software and mobile app. From the WaterScope portal, community data on water usage can be accessed by park owners and property managers. Homeowners and tenants have access to their own consumer portal within the system.

The system highlights any issues at your community, like leaks, high usage or temperature flags. WaterScope’s web portal sends automated notifications via email which allows customers to catch problems, prevent high water bills and damaging leaks. Get started and save – watch our video. Contact us.


Log into WaterScope and easily monitor system status.



WaterScope shows how well the meters are communicating with the system. If there is an error in communication, you will receive an email notification. 

Metron continues to lead the industry in technology and is proud to introduce one-minute data intervals, being the first in the industry. With Metron’s AMI system, powered by one-minute data, there are many advantages including in-home fixture use identification, detailed irrigation system usage breakdown by zone, and accurate peak flow rate reporting. One minute data provides users with more information regarding how water is used within the home.


 Our innov8-VN registers show 5-minute interval data. The blue graph highlights a leak that is about 2 gallons per hour, that increased 3 gallons per hour around noon that day.


WaterScope software visualizes water use patterns, detecting leaks, identifying high usage and preventing costly damage. The WaterScope software can plug into your existing invoicing system via API (application program interface), generate bills directly, allowing you to charge residents based on their actual water use and reward conservation.

Our software allows you to save money, time, stress and most importantly —water.